AGROCOMEX Sp. z o.o.


Cremino® is our alternative to high-fat creams. It is used in gastronomy, confectionery and ice-cream industry.

For whipping. For cooking.

Unusual. What differs it from the “usual” is the fact that it changes capacity by 300% when whipped. Such results are unavailable with the typical whipping cream. Cremino® is also characterized by highly stable froth, which means it keeps its shape for a long time and water does not separate from it.
Even though these are UHT products and they do not require cold storage, they have to be cooled before whipping.

It is created to be used by professionals.
To be used where quality and price are equally important.

1 litre and w 5 litre bag-in-box.

© 2011-2012 AGROCOMEX Sp. z o.o.

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