AGROCOMEX Sp. z o.o.
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School Milk Programme

About the Programme

Over billion glasses of milk, that is 270 thousand tons of milk and dairy products – such amount has been consumed by Polish children in schools and preschools since the EU School Milk Programme started. It creates healthy nutrition habits among children and youth by means of promoting milk and milk products.

A curious fact about the program is that in the recent years Poland has outdistanced old EU countries, such as France, Great Britain, Germany, Sweden and Finland, where it has been implemented for over 20 years.

We have our share in it. Since September 2004, when the Glass of Milk program started in Poland, we have been supplying milk to schools and other educational institutions. In 2020/ 2011 school year we cooperated with over 400 institutions around Poland.

Make use of our experience!

Kids in primary schools have the chance to drink unflavoured milk free of charge three days a week. Preschools and lower secondary schools are provided with flavoured milk as well as white milk at a lower price. The School Milk Programme raised this possibility. And weare a supplier certified by the Agricultural Market Agency.

To find more information about the programme, go to: Agencja Rynku Rolnego

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