AGROCOMEX Sp. z o.o.
Program Szklanka Mleka
School Milk
Since September 2004 we have been supplying milk to schools and other educational institutions.
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About Us

About Company

At the beginning there was… Farmer’s Cottage Cheese

Our first flagship product was Farmer’s Cottage Cheese. Our consumers still love it for the exceptional taste.

When we set up the company in 1991 our sole activity was purchasing raw milk and reselling it for other processors. W 1993 roku, w mleczarni w Jabłonowie Pomorskim, uruchomiliśmy produkcję wspomnianego Twarożku farmerskiego. Jedynego takiego, bo produkowanego według własnej technologii. The hygienic conditions in our plant and the quality of raw milk purchased considerably outdistanced the standards at that time. Dzięki temu zyskaliśmy zaufanie naszych klientów i partnerów biznesowych.

Best wishes to our clients

This year we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of presence on the dairy market. Our products are unfailingly tasty as they are produced from milk that comes from green unspoilt Lake Districts of Brodnica, Chełmno and Dobrzyń. We offer a wide range of products: from fresh fermented products or white cheese, to UHT products and milk toffee cream. We do not forget about important clients such as confectioners, bakers, ice-cream industry, restaurants or catering companies. Products from FARMER Professional line are aimed at them.

Where does the exceptional taste of our products come from?

They are produced from natural ingredients on the basis of well-devised recipes and with the application of latest technologies. Therefore, it is obvious that they taste delicious.

We meet the high standards of the food safety systems.

To provide our clients with better and better quality of our products we continuously invest in our development.

We are present in traditional and modern trade channels. It means our partners are retailers, dairy or confectionery wholesalers, and hypermarkets. We offer brand FARMER products as well as private labels.. Additionally, we provide co-packing.

© 2011-2012 AGROCOMEX Sp. z o.o.

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